Airbourne Call Jet And Wolfmother Fakes

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    • Airbourne Call Jet And Wolfmother Fakes

      Hier ein aktuelles Interview von Airbourne:

      Joel O'Keefe, lead singer and guitarist for Australian "pub rockers" AIRBOURNE, recently explained to exactly what separates his band from the rest of the Aussie pack.

      "JET and WOLFMOTHER are not for real. We are," he said. "That's the difference. They're not for real. They're doing it to be cool, and you can tell. They're starting to lose their fire. They're not Aussie pub rock. You can tell an Aussie pub rock band from a mile away. Like ROSE TATTOO, for example, that's an Aussie pub rock band. AC/DC were an Aussie pub rock band with Bon Scott. WOLFMOTHER and JET are a bad example of rock that comes out of Australia. They're just carbon copies of something they want... they're wannabes. They're like 'American Idol' or something like that. They're not legit."

      Das komplette Interview gibt es HIER 8)